Friday, June 10, 2011

Fanart Friday Challenge: Kim Pine

Sorry guys for the unprofessional photo.  Out here in the woods of North Carolina there are no scanners, so I had to use my phone.

Me and my friend Sheila have this weekly challenge to draw some random fan art on Fridays (hint's Fanart Friday).  This week is Kim Pine from Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim series from Oni Press.  Speaking of giving credit where credit is due, I kinda "borrowed" the background as practice intending to tweak it to my own thing but it ended up being way to close to his, so I should give credit to the artist known as Shonuff44 on DeviantArt.

So it's been a while since I updated so I'll let you know what's going on here in the woods.  I'm still waiting on confirmation from Out of Our Minds Studios here in Winston Salem on a potential internship position.  In the meantime I've been writing and thumbnailing the webcomic and I'm on schedule for the far.  I'm also inking some pages I've drawn for an anthology and getting ready for other projects that are making their way down the pipe. 

I keep myself busy because there isn't much to do otherwise.  Have you ever been to North Carolina?  There's not much here.  There's a deer who lives in a cow pasture near Gumtree road...That's about it.  So it's making comics...or staring at a freak deer who doesn't understand the concept of freedom. 

He may just have security issues, who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Take the deer home with you. Make it do your chores. It will do it, if you sing. *Disney Logic*
